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The below is a framework to think about the current entrepreneurial ecosystem in Louisville, diagnose what is wrong, and provide an alternative strategy for a more efficient path to better outcome.
A better outcomes is defined as:
x-axis - work ethic
y-axis - skill. note “skill” not “experience”.
Normal Career - This is the red blob. These are normal career 40 hours a week individuals. This is the vast majority of people. They put in the required work.
Lifestyle Founders - This is the yellow blob. These are the Tim Ferriss “4 hour work week” founders. They become founders because:
Thoroughbreds - This is the top right purple blob. They have more skill and more work ethic compared to normal career. 80 hours a week is “normal”.
High Skill and Stallions Students we will touch upon later…
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Lifestyle founders create businesses and companies. Thoroughbreds create scalable startups.
Louisville (and Kentucky) targets “entrepreneurship”. This vague term lumps both Lifestyle Founders and Thoroughbreds together. There are an order of magnitude more lifestyle founders than thoroughbreds. Metrics of success are early funnel and therefore select for lifestyle founders. Metrics include: “number of businesses started”, “number of workshop attendees”, “size of e-mail list”, “number of engagements”.
We (Louisville & Kentucky), think that if we optimize early funnel metrics, this will increase our likelihood of later funnel (i.e. Series A & IPO etc..). This is flawed thinking. This optimizes for a local maxima. The results speak for themselves…how has the last 10/20/40 years been?
Have we
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.
Current efforts in Louisville focuses on “programming” and “training”. The thesis is that Lifestyle Founders need the skills and can become Thoroughbreds.
The flaw in this is that skills are not the issue; it is work ethic. YOU CANNOT TEACH WORK ETHIC. Or more generously, it is very hard to teach work ethic.
Lifestyle Founders became “founders” in the first place on reduced work ethic. The paradigm we stress for Thoroughbreds is that more work ethic is required.
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For a founder, 40 hours a week is not even the minimum! 40 hours is called a normal job!
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I will receive push back here with stories of the rare exception. My thesis here is centered around ecosystem and placing bets on the highest likelihood outcome.
An analogy would be, who is more likely to be in the NBA, a person who’s 6ft or 7ft. Yes both are “tall people”. Yes there are 6ft people in the NBA. and yes the NBA requires skill, but a 7ft is much more likely to be in the NBA than a 6ft.
Given the framework, an alternative strategy is to focus on Thoroughbreds. There are two methods for getting Thoroughbreds.
Creating Thoroughbreds is not enough, we must also retain them. Thoroughbreds stay for 3 things:
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Our solution focuses on two tenants
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This will be the Deep Work Enclave
To cultivate Stallions we will model our approach to https://www.justlaybrick.com/. We will import Stallions.
We will offer:
Assume 4 teams of 4 people - $150K total cost ($100K rent, $30K Office, $20K Food)
Optional Additions:
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Read more here Deep Work Enclave
To help these startups and ,
Stallion Stables - 10 locally sourced summer interns.